



2024-07-20 06:15:33 来源:网络


ourteachofentellsustell后面为什么加s? -
Our teacher often tells us stories in class。We love the stories very much./We love the teacher very much我们的老师经常在课堂上给我们讲故事,我们非常喜欢那些故事。 我们非常喜欢这老师。有用请采纳,


什么是直接宾语和间接宾语?什么是双宾?如何运用呢? -
our teacher tells us some stories today.(我们的老师今天给我们讲了一写故事,)其只,us就是间接宾语,some stories 是直观宾语.当看到句子中有两个宾语时,其中指物或指事的就是直接宾语,指人(或动物)的就是间接宾语.(不能按离动词的远近来判别).可以有间接宾语的及物动词,不是很多.主要有:give,好了吧!
1 .老舍茶馆写于1957年,其强度theplay观众生活中1898年至1945年,它发生在一个茶室,在老北京的,它tellsus故事王历法和他custimers .它要求我们在看到茶馆为中心的邻居.最后,它说再见,老北京及其人民.2 .故事开始于1898年,在清朝.它继续在1916年,最后,它带给观众年底抗日战争于1945年.战争结束后,王好了吧!
关于英语中过程中的困惑用英语写一偏作文 -
english teacher-我们的英语老师our english teacher is a man of medium build,always wearing a pair of gih-framed spectacles.he looks thin in his loose-fitting suit.small as his eyes are,they are extremely bright.he looks old for his age,because his hair is all white.he is enthu好了吧!
戴眼镜的那个妇女是我的老师that woman who is wearing glasses is my taecher.请看这张照片并告诉我看到了什么please look at this picture and tell me what have you saw.这个躺在沙滩上的女孩是我的姐姐the girl who is layng in the beach is my sister 请不要开我的玩笑please do 等我继续说。
Theteachertellsusnotto fightwitheachother为什么不加助动词?_百度知 ...
【答案】:D 句意:我们老师经常警告我们上网留下大量的个人信息是危险的。考查形容词辨析。interesting 有趣的;exciting 令人兴奋的;difficult 困难的;dangerous 危险的。根据“leave much personalinformation on the Internet”及常识可知,在网络上留下很多个人信息是危险的,故选D。
ourteacherlikesus -
复数,所以用have 2.根据文意此处指名字,所以name 3.联系上下文此处说的是POLLY,所以用HE'S 4.岁数用old 5.介词搭配正确的选in 6.英语中先班级后年级,所以后面是年级grade 7.very much表示程度深8.我们是好朋友,friends 9.少了一句,根据下文复数students猜应该是are 10.此处选择宾语me 有帮助请点赞。
our eyesight by reading books.I will read books if I have free time .Books about science is my favourite kind of book.When I read it,I seemed to come into a different world and I can found something strange but interesting at times,I enjoy it.My teacher tells us to read 等我继续说。